
Why arent companies making guitar hero controllers
Why arent companies making guitar hero controllers

why arent companies making guitar hero controllers why arent companies making guitar hero controllers

It's a statement that sounds great on paper. It didn't hurt that the latter came in spades. It was guerilla, rag-tag, and made by people working for passion rather than financial gain. Getting there required going behind people's backs, ignoring the adults in the room, and learning how to focus a project and kill your darlings. Over the course of just nine months in 2005, with no notions that the game they were working on would do more than break even, the two companies developed a game that altered the course of not only the game industry, but the world. The story of Guitar Hero is one of a small developer and publisher, Harmonix and RedOctane, respectively, putting all their cards on the table, trying something new and unproven, with no track record or previous success to back them up. Guitar Hero left a sizable crater in the music industry and pop culture in general. It was also a watershed moment culturally, with some of the largest bands in the world seeking out their own deals with Activision, hoping to cash in on the Guitar Hero boom. Since its debut in 2005, the Guitar Hero series has sold more than 25 million units, making more than $2 billion, and cementing itself as one of the best-selling video game series of all time. Until you consider that for Guitar Hero this is just a notch on the belt.

Why arent companies making guitar hero controllers